New Driver Insurance

new driver insurance
So you have counted down the days to your 16th birthday and are fantasizing about a new sports car along with the much-craved freedom to hit the road. You visualize your friends admiring you as you “speed” buy in your shiny ride. Most young people have youthful dreams about getting their driver’s license and getting behind the wheel, fully in control and impressing their friends. As with most elements in life, though, it is a bit more complicated, however.

Along with passing the dreaded licensing tests, there’s one important aspect most forget and that is new driver insurance.  Here are a few inherent suggestions that will help this group of drivers pays less for insuring their cars and get a better policy. At Praetorian Insurance company, we have excellent low rates for beginners as well as seasoned drivers. Get your custom quote today and qualify for discounts that can save you hundreds online.

The first thing beginning drivers need to know is that automobile insurance is mandatory in all but only one state. You will require buying a minimum amount of coverage that will cover damage to property, along with bodily injuries, as a result of an accident you caused. Each state has different laws, so you will need to check out what the minimums are in your area. When you apply for auto ins quotes online, the state limits will almost always be plugged in already, based on your zip entry. However, it is always smart to read up on the laws in your state nonetheless.

Learning the terminology of insurance can seem like a foreign language and the choices of coverage can be utterly confusing to most. Call Praetorian Insurance Co 877-850-1267 and we will help you with any questions you have and get you quoted right over the phone.

Keep Your GPA High and Lower Your Rates

Are you still in school or college and driving?  If so, having good grades can save you some serious money on ins. Most insurers will give discounts up to 10% if students maintain a B or higher grade point average – GPA. When it comes to coverage, it pays to be clever.

Take a Safe Driver Class and get Certified

Did you know there are safe driver courses you can take all over the country? Retired highway patrol officers teach many of these programs. These teachers have a wealth of information that will help you drive in a defensive manner and obey certain necessary rules on the road. These courses could save your life and save you up to 5% on your policy.

Get Added to Your Parents Policy if you can

You might want to spread your wings and get your insurance policy if you are a young person, however, if you are under the age of 25 that might be a huge financial hurdle. Insurers slam this group of drivers and charge rates that are often double what older people pay; this means you would easily be paying $200 a month or more for coverage. Ask yourself. Can you afford that?  You can get reduced rates by adding your car to your parent’s policy.

Buy a Car that is Cheap to Insure

As a new driver, you will already be paying more for coverage since you have minimum experience and in most cases are under 25. One way you can get a cheaper rate is to get the right car. This means no fancy sports car like a Porsche or Corvette. It also means staying away from autos that are frequently stolen like used Honda Accords. Don’t worry, you do not have to drive an old mini-van. Check out fashionable and stylish models like a Subaru Forester, which are fun on the road and cheap to insure.

Shop Online to Get the Best Auto Insurance Rates

Now that you have learned a few tips to save on new driver insurance, you should be ready to start applying for coverage. Go to leading online sites like Praetorian Insurance company and apply for up to 10 customized quotes. You will be matched with the lowest rates, and friendly customer service reps are standing by to help you at any time.